walk with me
walk with me
try to see what i see
look inside yourself
listen to the voices generations old
passed on to you
ones you carry as gospel
walk with me
listen to what i hear
silence those you carry for awhile
i don’t want those voices silenced
i want you to hear what i hear
ones that echo when you speak
walk with me
see that one there
hand out disheveled
carrying his ghosts in the clothes he carries
ones we find abandoned in a bus shack
that place where he made his bed
walk with me
take the chill from your body
as you rest inside someone’s place of rest
imagine waking to shouts of derision
as you gather what little you have left
gather those words place them near you
walk with me awhile
let’s leave this place
abandon the clothing that hold your memories
let someone else carry them
share your story
the one you carry on the clothes you claimed
when you entered someone’s else’s dream
walk with me
i’ll walk with you