chinese poem (2:19)

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    chinese poem
i wish i could get drunk enough to tell you
i wish i could get drunk enough to take
pine from under the pine
tree & place
beneath your taken

i want to say we
are misguided as dandelion
seeds in the wind
in this unfortunate garden
erratic rows of radish & brussels
sprouts & twigs from blown elms no one
planted & then

there's you
& me
living with our brand new
homily, between
the faltering
but we are perfect

it's the garden that's gone
wrong growing
in the wrong season, in the wild
wind, the sighs of impatient
children crying
too late too late
for allegory too
much metaphor too late& you are going away

the snow
falls in the fields
the silent woods
full of deer
the winter suns
a broken string
of pearls
